We aim to be a trusted resource to families in their role as primary educators of their children. We do so by providing an educational ethos and framework which integrate personal and professional development. Pivot thus prepares the next generation of women leaders to be agents of sustainable and positive change by helping them develop 6 capacities:
Step Up Seminar
9th grade
Step Up seminar is designed to support 9th grade girls as they lay a solid foundation for their high school career. Through engaging discussions and interactive activities, participants will get to know themselves and understand others, as they seek friendships, interests and values that will shape the person they want to become.
Big Ideas Seminar
10th - 12th grades
Big Ideas Seminar introduces the high school girls to key philosophical concepts. It aims to help each one integrate the intellectual, moral and social aspects of life, while challenging each to think deeply and to express themselves with confidence.
Pivot Projects
In addition to the monthly seminar series, participants can join service projects and cultural excursions. These are organized and announced on an ongoing basis, usually a few times a semester. Participants are encouraged to plan additional initiatives and invite other Pivot participants and friends.