Big Ideas Seminar

Monthly on Saturdays for 10th - 12th grade girls

In Big Ideas this year we will explore the foundations of Catholic Social Teaching and discover the deep reasons for finding joy in our connectedness and interdependence. The main content is presented from 2:00 - 4:00 with the option for study time before and free time after.

Cost: $30 per session, $150 for the year

Dates: Oct 16, Nov 20, Dec 18, Jan 15, Feb 19, Mar 12

Location: The Grove Center, 4922 Florence Ave, Downers Grove, IL


  • 11:00 Arrive, Study time with option for mentoring

  • 1:00 Lunch - Please bring your own lunch, snacks will be provided

  • 2:00 Seminar

  • 4:00 Free time with option for mentoring

  • 5:00 End


I am my brother’s and sister’s keeper


Find out how our identity and happiness are linked to giving and receiving from one another, materially and spiritually.


Mine or ours?


Understand the role you can play in caring for people and creation starting today, in little things. 

Build mindfulness in your use of material resources, your unique talents, and technology.


Social Justice and the Common Good

Brainstorm ways you can be an agent of peace and justice in your environment as a student now and as a professional later, working collaboratively alongside others who think differently.


Design Thinking for Social Impact


Connect with people on a deeper level through empathy and active listening.

Learn to converse with friends of opposing viewpoints with kindness and discernment.


The role of impressions in communicating identity

Confidently reflect your values and identity through your speech, manner and dress.

Create a positive and memorable impression in presentations and interviews


Family, the vital cell of society

Discuss whether marriage has a natural structure which we discover but do not invent.

Marriage requires an ability to make commitments and sacrifices. Discover opportunities as a student to learn and practice these virtues.